
My static javascript aren't updating?

Since launching, I've made a few small changes to html and such. However, I recently noticed that none of my bug fixes relating to javascript have gone live. I have saved them in the editor, checked that the code is right (it is, it works on local host and it's a very small change), and clicked "Reload your web app" button, but nothing has changed? I am running my app with django, but it's fairly simple. I am confident there are no related bugs.

I know nothing has changed because when I visit my app if I inspect the javascript code in the browser, it is different and exactly identical to the one I originally went live with, even though the files saved on my userspace are different and updated. I have confirmed this with different browsers, and after clearing cookies.

Am I doing something wrong? Do I just have to wait a long time for it to update? This is very inconvenient if it's not my fault.

Are you doing a hard reload (shift-reload) in your browser?

Yes, I have done this multiple times across different browsers

Ok. Then my guess is that the files that you're serving are not the files that you're editing. You can see if you're reloading the file from the server in your browser dev tools network tab.You can also use the techniques here to work out where you're serving your files from.