
Impossible to reconigze Hashtag for comments

Hello everyone, I do not know how but now in my file when I want to write some comments and type a Hashtag it does not work, What can I do?.

Thanks in advanced.

I was seeing some folder, and the comments before had a #, now has a """ , and I have tried to type " " " the same for comments but it did not work.

Could you post a screenshot of what you're seeing? I can't understand exactly what it would look like from your description.

This is the link with the screenshot. Thanks in advanced.

Hi, in the screenshot I see "#this should be shown as a comment." line. Did you mean that this should be shown as a comment in the file you are editing (and thus not being shown on the rendered page) or as a comment in the rendered page?

If the former, I suppose you are confused about making comments in different programming languages. For example Python (and Bash) would use "#" symbol for comments. Surrounding triple quotes in Python are used for multi line doc strings. However in HTML you would use different syntax, and the comments should be put into a comment tag, which looks like that: <!-- your comment here -->.

Thanks, problem solved, I did what you just said, everything goes perfect.

I have another question, in (python language) everything Surrounding by triple quotes are comments, knowing what you said, how is this possible, it shoud be with #, Am I correct?:

""" WSGI config for mysite project. It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named application. For more information on this file, see """

import os from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'mysite.settings') application = get_wsgi_application()

Yes. Take a look at Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide