
525 Error Cloudflare CDN - SSL Handshake Failed

Hey guys, I seem to be having this 525 error consistently. According to cloudflare it's due to the origin server. Can you guys advice on how I can resolve this? The website is I've pasted the Q&A for the 525 Error below if that helps. Thanks!

Error 525: SSL handshake failed 525 errors are often caused by a configuration issue on the origin web server. Error 525 occurs when these two conditions are true:

The SSL handshake fails between Cloudflare and the origin web server, and Full or Full (Strict) SSL is set in the Overview tab of your Cloudflare SSL/TLS app. Resolution

Contact your hosting provider to exclude the following common causes at your origin web server:

No valid SSL certificate installed Port 443 (or other custom secure port) is not open No SNI support The cipher suites accepted by Cloudflare does not match the cipher suites supported by the origin web server

Your site appears to be working correctly now. One of the causes of the problem could have been that you had not configured a certificate for your web app and I see that you have one now, so perhaps that's what you did to fix it.