Hi, regards, I am trying to set up my domain washerpp.com in 1 and 1 to use it in pythonanyhwere. Change the name of my application to the washerpp.com domain and modify the existing CNAME record and change it to webapp-425893.pythonanywhere.com.
Hi, regards, I am trying to set up my domain washerpp.com in 1 and 1 to use it in pythonanyhwere. Change the name of my application to the washerpp.com domain and modify the existing CNAME record and change it to webapp-425893.pythonanywhere.com.
1 and 1 have a rather confusing interface for setting up CNAMEs -- you're not the first person to be confused by it! If you send us a screenshot of what you're seeing on their site (either by email to support@pythonanywhere.com, or by posting on an image-sharing site and linking to it here in the forums) we can probably help you out.