Hi All,
I want to get distinct objects from a filter below:
qt = FuelCardLog.objects.filter(requestor_uname=self.request.user).distinct('vehicle_no')
class FuelCardLog(models.Model):
card_no = models.ForeignKey(FuelCard, related_name='%(class)s_card', on_delete=models.CASCADE,)
vehicle_no = models.ForeignKey(Vehicle, related_name='%(class)s_vehicle', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
requestor_uname = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='%(class)s_requestor', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Vehicle(models.Model):
vehicle_no = models.CharField(max_length=16, unique=True)
But I got this error.
"DISTINCT ON fields is not supported by this database backend"
Is it true that distinct is not supported on your version of mysql ? When I use database console to run mysql command. It works though.
SELECT DISTINCT `API_fuelcardlog`.`vehicle_no_id` FROM `API_fuelcardlog` WHERE (`API_fuelcardlog`.`requestor_uname_id` = 2 );
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.