Hi all - I am trying to solve a particular issue - and it might be too specific but here goes:
I have a wordpress site (hosted elsewhere) that I have plotly graphs (currently hosted on plotly on their free community version)
The Plotly Community version has a limitation of 1,000 views a day (not sure if that is per account or per graph - but sent a note to them asking).....in anticipation/hopes that my wordpress site might exceed 1,000 - I wanted to figure out a solution on where to host the graphs (currently they are embedded as a iframe from plotly and put into a placeholder on my wordpress)
I have a python script that automates collecting/crunching of the data and putting into a plotly graph hosted on plotly which updates/overwrites (via python script) the previous file - which is then automatically updated on wordpress
I am trying to come up with an automated process (via python) to put the file potentially here (or elsewhere) to pull in via the same process.
Does anyone know how to use the above process to put the html file here on pythonanywhere and then iframe over to wordpress?
Thanks so much! Brian