
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND) Javascript Files

So I've got a visualization I created using HTML and Javascript, and for some reason, the HTML page isn't registering my CSV file that I load in. I've tried using both the relative and absolute path, and neither seem to work. I definitely have it in the same location (the templates file right where that html file is located and I call it form (d3.csv("hair.csv")) and it does not like it. Any ideas on what else I can do to solve this?


Just to clarify- you are calling d3.csv() from browser side javascript? that means that your webapp needs to be serving hair.csv at What are you doing to serve that? The easiest would for example be to put everything in a static files folder (eg: at /home/yourusername/mystaticfiles/), and say create a static files mapping from the url /static/ to the directory /home/yourusername/mystaticfiles/ on your webapps tab. Then you could do d3.csv('/static/hair.csv')