
CPU Seconds

Hello, I'm a begginer on this website. And I want to use it to host a bot that will trade 24/7. So I'm looking for the proper subscibtion, because I noticed that it is not possible with the free offer. So, I check the 5$ offer, and I noticed that there is a limit of 2000 CPU seconds per day? Does it mean that I can't run a program longer than that ? What does it mean exactly ? What offer should I take to have this option ? (I don't need a lot of storage or any other features in the expensives offers)

Hi there. CPU limit applies to all code run through our in-browser consoles, in your scheduled tasks and in your always-on tasks, but does not apply to your web apps.

A CPU-second is one second of full-power usage on a High Frequency Intel Xeon E5-2670 v2 (Ivy Bridge) Processor (one CPU core on an Amazon AWS m3.xlarge instance). Your code only uses up CPU seconds while it's actually busy. If your code isn't using any CPU power (maybe it's not running, or it's waiting for input or for a web request to return) then it's not using any CPU seconds.

If you use up all of your included CPU seconds, don't worry! You can always buy more — and even if you don't, your processes will still run, in the tarpit.

Tarpitted processes run at a lower priority than users who haven't hit their limit yet, but they get any spare capacity that we have on our server cluster, unless they're using gigabytes of RAM.