
Uploading big file timeouts

Hello, I am trying to upload a 150 MB file from my django app but it times out. The smaller files (around 100 MBs each) uploads fine.

One stackoverflow solution tells to add this to my nginx configuration "proxy_read_timeout 1200;" but i can't find a way to edit nginx.

Is there anyway you people can let me edit nginx, OR do it your self? OR any other way i can increase the timeout time?

We have a limit for file uploads of 100M, so it's not timing out, it's being blocked. We have no plans to change that soon. Since you have a paid account, there are a number of ways that you can upload files that are not limited:

I think you got me wrong. I am uploading it from my django's admin panel.

Even if i do use SFTP or Rsync, my users won't be able to load them from the website, will they?

PS: I don't think digital ocean or aws puts this limit, is this for security? Or just random?

If you put the files into the directory covered by static file mapping, everyone will be able to access them. See