
Can't install requirements.txt in pipenv


I have been following the tutorial here to install packages that my web application depends on.

I have created a new pipenv using:

mkvirtualenv ktfo --python=python3.5

I have then activated it using:

workon ktfo

Finally, I try to install the dependencies of the application using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The list of packages runs through the terminal and it appears the installations have been successful. I then try to import some of the packages and the modules cannot be found.

Running pip list only shows the original packages. I managed to install Flask by running pip install flask, but other packages wont install properly (Keras).

What am I doing wrong?

Is your virtualenv activated when you do the imports?

Yes it is. I have activated using:

workon ktfo


import keras

Then it probably didn't install correctly. Are you sure there were no errors in the install?

There was nothing obvious. It just seems very odd as I have used the same requirements.txt to install on other machines.

Is there any way a staff member can reset my account?


Ok. If you're sure that it installed correctly and you're sure that you're in the virtualenv that you installed it into, and you're sure that you're importing the correct name, then I have no idea what might be going on.

We do not reset accounts. There's to much that could go wrong. If you' want to delete a virtualenv, you can just delete the directory in ~/.virtualenvs.

Okay. I will delete the virtualenv tomorrow and reinstall and see if this solves the problem.
