
Error,Server,Access Logs in Real Time?

Is it possible to view the logs in realtime? Like maybe through the console?


There will be some delays, but yes the server logs are available from a Bash console, in the /var/www folder. tail -f is probably the command to look into...

Correction to what @harry said above -- it's /var/log, not /var/www.

Where do I find this /var folder? I can't see it anywhere in my app directory structure

/var directory is in the root of your filesystem next to /home


Question relating to those logs

I have just found very old logs in my account. are those included in the quota that I have allocated? or are these separate?

I was recently cleaning and trying to expand the available memory and I am now thinking that these logs are eating my available space.

Logs don't count towards your file quota, so won't be them that are using up your disk space. This help page has some commands that will help you find out what the culprits are.