
Any plans for ububtu linux upgrade?

Given that the LTS versions are deprecated after 5 years I'm wondering if there are plans to upgrade?

$ lsb_release -a

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Release:        14.04
Codename:       trusty

[edit] note to self - check your spelling in the post title before saving - you can't correct it later!

It's the system image you are on. It's per account thing.

We may upgrade you but because changing the system image upgrades a lot of the pre-installed Python packages, any code that you have that relies on those packages might break if it's not compatible with the new versions. Also, because the new image has newer versions of Python, if you have any virtualenvs, you may need to rebuild them. If you're happy to go ahead despite that, just let us know and we'll switch you over.

Thanks fjl ,

I plan to move to the eu servers anyway - the free account I set up there there shows...

Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS

Would be great if I could get that up to 18.04 before migrating? (giving me a few years before being deprecated).
Also, when migrating I would have an immediate fall back if something breaks (though not really expecting that).

Moved this to the first post after Welcome in the eu forums :-)

I've just answered in the EU forums, but here's a repost for anyone here on the US system who's interested:

Right now our most recent system image is based on 16.04, but when we release a new system image it will be based on 18.04. Switching an account over to a new system image (or back again) is really quick to do on our side, so we'll be able to do that for your account when it's ready. The only risk is that point releases of Python might change (eg. 3.6.6 to 3.6.8), which can sometimes cause problems with virtualenvs requiring that they're rebuilt, and the specific versions of the pre-installed Python packages will change, so your code would have to be compatible with the newer versions if you use them.

Is the Ubuntu 18 image already available somehow? I need GCC 7 for my webapp, Ubuntu 16 has only GCC 5.4.

It should happen soon.