
I can't figure out where to put this Info. Please Help!!

Hey everyone. I have the following instructions for my code and I can't figure out where in the code that the information goes:

  First, add a new variable for our current coin value. You can start it with 0 or be generous and start the player out with a few. Make sure to keep this variable within the hero class so it can be called easily later on.
 Now, we want to find an appropriate place to reward the player with coins. Ideally, the reward will be presented right after the troll is defeated. To make this more dynamic, we can use the randint function to pull a random number between set parameters. Choose a range of coins to reward your player with, for example, five to 10, 50 to 150, or 100 to 300. We can adjust these numbers later as we balance the prices of in-game items.

Tip: Make sure to add to the variable instead of replacing it.

   Weve increased the players coin count, but we havent yet notified the player that this has occurred. Communicating what is happening in a game to the player is really important because it helps the player stay connected to the game. The more you make the player feel like they are an integral part of the game, the more they will keep playing. We dont have an in-game user interface to show the player their current coins, but we can use a print function to alert the player of the newly found loot. Add a new print() function after the troll is defeated and the coins are rewarded to tell the player they found something of value. Make sure to include their current coin count in the text. For example, say something like Youve found some gold! You now have 53 total coins.” Make your communication to the player unique to you; don’t use the example. It is your chance to make the game sound like you and to connect with your players.
         Note: Make sure to comment your code clearly to summarize what you expect each section to do.

The following is my code: ''' You are a hero in a dark system of caves full of trolls. You have to find a magic spell book to destroy the caves and escape. The game will involve an engine that runs a map full of rooms or scenes. Each room will print its own description when the player enters it and then tell the engine what room to run next out of the map. '''

from random import randint #we only need the random integer function not the whole module from sys import exit #we only need the exit function for quitting the game

class Hero(): def init(self): = None

    class Engine():
        def _init_(self, scene_map):
            self.scene_map = scene_map
    # gets the game's map from instance "mymap," at bottom of this file
def play(self):
    current_scene = self.scene_map.opening_scene()
    # see the Map object: this runs function named opening_scene()
    # this runs only once
    # this STARTS THE GAME

    while True:  # infinite loop to run the game - repeats until exit()
        current_scene.enter()  # from Scene

        # note: will throw error if no new scene passed in by next line:
        next_scene_name = current_scene.action()

        # get the name of the next scene from the action() function that
        # runs in the current scene - what it returns

        current_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene(next_scene_name)
        #  here we use that val returned by current scene to go to
        #  the next scene, running function in Map

class Book(object): def init(self): self.activated = False

class Scene(): name = 'unnamed scene' descrip = 'undescribed scene'

def enter(self):

class GameOver(Scene): name = "You have died!" descrip = ''' You tried your best but did not succeed.\n'''

def action(self):
        exit()  # exit the program
    except SystemExit:
        print("Game over.")

class CentralCorridor(Scene): ''' A Troll is already standing here. Must be defeated before continuing. '''

def __init__(self):
    self.troll = Troll()
    # initialize the corridor scene with a troll present

name = "Central Corridor"
descrip = '''    A broad passage extends in front of and behind you.
    There are doors to your left and right. There is a ladder going up.'''

def action(self):
    if self.troll.present:
        print("    A troll is here.")
        self.troll.present, location = self.troll.fight(self.troll.stamina, self.troll.present)
        # catch the returns from fight() in Troll -
        # pass in stamina and present, get out present and current scene name
        return location
         while True:
            response = input("").lower()
            if "look" in response:
            #elif "up" in response:     # uncomment when implementing the Bridge scene
            #    return 'bridge'
            elif "right" in response:
                return 'library'
            #elif "left" in response:   # uncomment when implementing the Cave scene
            #    return 'cave'
            elif "leave" in response or "exit" in response:
                except SystemExit:
            elif response != "":
                print("Huh? I didn't understand that.")
                print("Something went wrong ...")
                return 'death'

class SpellBookLibrary(Scene): ''' This is where the wizard gets a magic spell book to blow up the caves before getting to the escape route. It has a keypad you have to guess the number for. '''

def __init__(self):
    self.doorlocked = True
    self.keycode = randint(1, 9) * 111  # 3 of the same number = Book()
    # initialize the library scene with door locked and book here

name = "SpellBook Library"
descrip = '''    The door to this room is closed and locked.
There is a digital keypad set into the wall.'''
descrip2 = '''    Shelves and cases line the walls of this room.
Spellbooks of every description fill the shelves and cases. '''

def action(self):
    if self.doorlocked == True:
    while True:
        response = input(">").lower()
        if "look" in response:
        elif "book" in response and
            print("Searching the shelves, you discover a small red case.")
            print('On the case is a label: "Explodey Spell."')
        elif "book" in response and
            print("You are carrying the book.")
        elif "leave" in response or "exit" in response:
            return 'corridor'
        elif response != "":
            print("Huh? I didn't understand that.")
            print("Something went wrong ...")
            return 'death'

def take_book(self):
    while True:
        response = input(">").lower()
        if "case" in response or "open" in response:
            print("You open the case and look inside. Yep. It's a book!")
            print("You close the case. It has a convenient handle for carrying.")
        elif "take" in response or "pick up" in response:
            print("You pick up the case by its handle. It is not too heavy.")
   =  # now book is being carried
   = None  # and the book is no longer in the library
        elif "activate" in response or "set" in response:
            print("I don't think you want to do that yet.")
        elif "book" in response:
            print("Do you want to do something with the book?")
            print("Huh? What?")

# this should probably not be infinite - should have range instead
# it does not let you out till you get it right
def keypad(self):
    while self.doorlocked == True:
        print("The keypad has 9 buttons with numbers from 1 to 9.")
        print("3 numbers must be entered to unlock the door.")
        response = input(">").lower()
        if "leave" in response or "exit" in response:
            return 'corridor'
        elif not response.isdigit() or (int(response)> 999 or int(response) < 100):
            print("That is not a suitable number. Try again.")
        elif int(response) == self.keycode:
            self.doorlocked = False
            print("The door slides smoothly and quietly open.")
            self.descrip = self.descrip2  # switches the description text
        elif int(response)> self.keycode:
            print("That number is too high.")
        elif int(response) < self.keycode:
            print("That number is too low.")
            "No good. Try again with 3 numbers."

class Troll(): def init(self): self.present = True self.stamina = 10

def report(self, s):
    if s> 8:
        print("The troll is strong! It resists your pathetic attack!")
    elif s> 5:
        print("With a loud grunt, the troll stands firm.")
    elif s> 3:
        print("Your attack seems to be having an effect! The troll stumbles!")
    elif s> 0:
        print("The troll is certain to fall soon!")
        print("That's it! The troll is finished!")

def fight(self, stam, p):  # stamina and present
    while p == True:
        response = input(">").lower()
        # fight scene
        if "hit" in response or "attack" in response:
            less = randint(0, stam)
            stam -= less  # subtract random int from stamina
    # see above
            if stam <= 0:
                p = False
                return p, 'corridor'
                # you end up back in corridor even if fight is on bridge
        elif "fight" in response:
            print("Fight how? You have no weapons, silly hero!")
            print("The troll hits you with its powerful stick!")
            return p, 'death'  # new, lowered stamina number

Map tells us where we are and where we can go

it does not make us move - Engine does that

class Map(): scenes = { 'death' : GameOver(), 'corridor': CentralCorridor(), 'library' : SpellBookLibrary() }

def __init__(self, start_scene_key):
    self.start_scene_key = start_scene_key
    # above we make a local var named start_scene_key
    # this is a string, same as the arg we passed in ('corridor')
    # start_scene_key remains unchanged throughout the game

def next_scene(self, scene_name):
    val = Map.scenes.get(scene_name)
    # above is how we get value out of the dictionary named scenes
    return val
    # this function can be called repeatedly in the game,
    # unlike opening_scene, which is called only ONCE

def opening_scene(self):
    return self.next_scene(self.start_scene_key)
    # this function exists only for starting, using the first
    # string we passed in ('corridor')
    # it combines the previous 2 functions and is called only once
    # (called in Engine)

hero = Hero() mymap = Map('corridor') # instantiate a new Map object mygame = Engine(mymap) # instantiate a new Engine object # call function from that Engine instance

It appears that the point of the question is that you need to work out where the new code needs to go. Since it's about giving rewards to the player it is most likely to be where the player has done something that justifies a reward.

I see that. However the following is where I'm confused: "Make sure to keep this variable within the hero class so it can be called easily later on."

I'm unsure how to put the reward part in code and where to put it. Could you please help me with that?

So, basically I need to keep the reward code in the Hero Class which would be the following:

class Hero(): def init(self): = None

    class Engine():
        def _init_(self, scene_map):
            self.scene_map = scene_map
    # gets the game's map from instance "mymap," at bottom of this file
def play(self):
    current_scene = self.scene_map.opening_scene()
    # see the Map object: this runs function named opening_scene()
    # this runs only once
    # this STARTS THE GAME

    while True:  # infinite loop to run the game - repeats until exit()
        current_scene.enter()  # from Scene

        # note: will throw error if no new scene passed in by next line:
        next_scene_name = current_scene.action()

        # get the name of the next scene from the action() function that
        # runs in the current scene - what it returns

        current_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene(next_scene_name)
        #  here we use that val returned by current scene to go to
        #  the next scene, running function in Map

I have a pretty good idea where the reward code needs to go, and that would be the following of the Hero Class code: # runs in the current scene - what it returns

Is this correct??

Hi!! I've been waiting for a response to this problem I'm having. Does anyone know where the information above goes? Thanx!

after you declare

self.scene_map = scene_map

put something like

self.coins = 0

then latter in the code

hero.coins += 1

Thank you very much mouseroot!! I'll give it a shot!! :D

Thank you very much mouseroot!! I'll give it a shot!! :D

Thanx mouseroot! You're information helpped!! I would appreciate it if you could check out two other topics that I posted. There are titled

Undefined name 'Escapecave'


Just a little more help necessary to complete my game code

Thanx!! :D