
Does pythonanywhere support websockets

I would like to deploy a flask socket IO web app but i saw a post from 2 years ago saying Pythonanywhere does not support web sockets

That is still true

It has been 2 years from now! I know it's not easy to have, I know it needs a lot of work, but you are losing a lot of users due to it actually. Are there any plans to support WebSocket? If yes when can I expect that?

It should happen at some point. We can't give you any dates.

is it still true ? ;_;

Still true, unfortunately.

do you support websockets now?


dang it


Guess we'll have to go somewhere else... too bad. I liked pythonanhywhere. :-/

you can also use pythonanywhere along with a third party service like pusher to get web sockets.

Alright, I'm interested. Care to tell me more?

Check out something like

Hi guys! Any news on websockets?

Is it currently on your plans? If yes, do you have an ETA?

Thank you

No, there is not news.

Just adding my $0.02 wish for web sockets support.

Thanks! Noted.

Is it supported now ?

Not yet

My next project will be heavily geared towards Socket IO. Is there any timeline yet? I imagine I will have this project up and running within the year. TIA.

No timeline yet.

any updates? is it supported now? it's a request to integrate it soon. TIA

Not yet.

With Anaconda, is it possible to provide websocket support ASAP? I have been using pythonanywhere for many years, really like it. But I have to add two-way messaging using websocket, really don't want to switch to other vendors.

While there's a bit of corporate integration work ongoing, ASGI support is top of our list for things to add after the next system update. That system update is going through the final tests at the moment before we release it, so we'll be moving on to ASGI soon :-)

any updates?

not yet

how about now? if not, I'll sadly have to go elsewhere.

Still working on it, unfortunately :-(

Could you give a date when the use of websockets could be possible?

We don't have ETA, but we will notify you when it's done.

so sad


Thanks, noted.

What's the update now?

There is no update

Let's get websockets working!

We're working on it

So... this is not available yet?

Not yet

Can anyone tell an alternative where to use it?

? why???


It's on the way.

is it still true ? ;-;

Still working on it :-)

One day this thread will be a much more satisfying read... until then I will wait patiently

Indeed it will :-)

I have a free plan but does web sockets atleast work on paid plans???

No, they do not

Hi, you said it's on the way back in July of this year. Do you have an ETA?


Good luck working on it ;)
