
postgres sever refusing connection

Hello, My django app db sever just failed and stopped receiving connections. This is happing on two accounts i am running. Could it be related to the current aws issues. if not pleas help restart my db server.

Our Postgres servers all look OK right now -- the AWS issue is only affecting console servers and always-on servers, and all of that should be invisible to you now that we've disabled the affected servers so that others can pick up the load.

Is this for the Postgres instance that is associated with the account you're posting from, with the hostname starting "xbtms"? From the logs that we can see, it looks like you're (perhaps sporadically) running out of Postgres connections -- see this help page.

it suddenly started with the aws issue.

I see that we're talking about this over email too, so let's continue the discussion there. But someone else just reported the same issue on a different Postgres instance on the same physical server, so you're right -- this is beginning to look like something related to the AWS issue.

and it is now ok by itself

It looks like there will be intermittent issues on the server for a while; we'll post here when it's fully fixed.

Any update on the server

Apologies, we didn't post again here when it was fixed -- the problem was resolved at 15:10 UTC.