
Virtualen and PythonAnywhere

As a beginner attempting to start with Flask, it is recommended to use Virtualenv. I have tried it a couple of times with bash and it seemed to load. Actually it is very confusing to me. There are examples, however it isn't clear to me. Is virtualenv already installed on all PythonAnyWhere environments? I have a new account.

Yes, virtualenv is installed on PythonAnywhere. What is confusing to you?

Is virtualenv already installed on every type of Python, on PythonAnyWhere? For Example 2.6, 3.2, 3.4 ect. If the answer is yes- Does that mean that I don't have to worry about bring virtualenv in from Bash, before adding some new script or any other newer version of an app?

Virtualenv isn't part of every version of Python, no. But you can install it pretty easily just by running

pip3.5 install virtualenv

...changing the 3.5 to refer to the version of Python you're using, of course.

It's also worth mentioning that we have an extra thing installed on top of virtualenv, called virtualenvwrapper. This provides the workon and deactivate commands, and a few other useful things. You can install it just like you can install virtualenv, eg.

pip3.5 install virtualenvwrapper