
WebDriverException when using Selenium.

Hello, I built an app, which uses Selenium to interact with a website and tried hosting it here on But I receive an error

WebDriverException: unknown error: net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED

I suppose this is thrown, because the webpage I want to access is not whitelisted ( In this post, I read that you can only whitelist sites that have an API, but this one probably does not have one. Does that mean I cannot use to host my Selenium Python script or what do I have to fix?

If you want to scrape other sites, you need to upgrade your account to a paid one.

Thanks for your answer, but I just upgraded to the "Hacker" tier and still cannot start a Chrome instance to scrape my website...

Nevermind, I created a new Bash terminal and it seems to work now :)

Glad to hear that you made it work!