
My code running locally but not in pythonanywhere

: : : python

data_abs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'static/REE_data.csv')

tmp_data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'tmp.csv')

app = Flask(__name__)

def main():

  set_env(title='REE mineral search')
  def remove_bom(text):

  # Check if the text starts with the UTF-8 BOM character (\ufeff)
      if text.startswith('\ufeff'):
          # If it does, remove the BOM from the beginning of the string
          return text[1:]
      return text

  def content_to_pandas(content: list):

      with open(tmp_data_path, "w") as csv_file:
          writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter = ',')
          for i in content:

  def get_mineral(us_df,row,min):
      if min == 1:
          return us_df['Most similar'][row]
      elif min == 2:
          return us_df['2nd most similar'][row]
      elif min == 3:
          return us_df['3rd most similar'][row]

  def get_data(db_df,us_df,row,min):

      if min == 1:
          mineral1 = us_df['Most similar'][row]
          return db_df.loc[mineral1][db_df.loc[mineral1]!=0].to_string()

      elif min == 2:
          mineral2 = us_df['2nd most similar'][row]
          return db_df.loc[mineral2][db_df.loc[mineral2]!=0].to_string()

      elif min == 3:
          mineral3 = us_df['3rd most similar'][row]
          return db_df.loc[mineral3][db_df.loc[mineral3]!=0].to_string()

        with popup('Demo csv file format') as s:
             put_text('Enter 0 or leave blank where there is no data').style('color:red')
             put_table([['1', 'value', 'value','value','0','value'],
             ['2', '', 'value','value','','value'],
             ['3', 'value', 'value','value','value',''],
             ], header=['Points', 'P2O5', 'La2O3','Ce2O3','Nd2O3','F'])

  file = file_upload(label='Upload your CSV file', accept='.csv')

  raw_data = file['content']

  # Detect the encoding of the file content
  result = chardet.detect(raw_data)
  encoding = result['encoding']

  # Decode the file content using the detected encoding and remove BOM if present
  content = remove_bom(raw_data.decode(encoding))
  lines = content.splitlines()


  #Read the csv files of the user
  user_df = pd.read_csv(tmp_data_path)
  print('Successfully ran content to pandas',file=sys.stderr)

  #Store the first column which is a label column and drop it 
  points = user_df.iloc[:,0]
  user_df = user_df.drop(user_df.columns[0], axis = 1)
  user_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)

  #Get the database stored as another csv file for calculating cosine similarity
  concatenated_df = pd.read_csv(data_abs_path)
  ree_df = concatenated_df.copy()
  #Drop the first column from the pandas dataframe
  concatenated_df = concatenated_df.drop(columns='Minerals')

  # Get the list of element columns 
  element_columns = concatenated_df.columns

  # Create missing element columns in user_df if they don't exist 
  for element in element_columns:
      if element not in user_df.columns:
          user_df[element] = 0

  # Reorder the columns in user_df to match the order in concatenated_df
  user_df = user_df[concatenated_df.columns]

  # Calculate cosine similarity between the numpy array and each row in the DataFrame
  sim_1, sim_2, sim_3 = [], [], []

  #Convert pandas dataframe to numpy array for fast calculation
  ree_array = concatenated_df.to_numpy()

  for i in range(user_df.shape[0]):
      array = user_df.iloc[i,:].values.ravel()
      print('Starting calculation  for row {}'.format(i),file=sys.stderr)
      sim_values = []
      for j in range(ree_array.shape[0]):
          print('Starting to calculate similarities',file=sys.stderr)
          similarities = cosine_similarity([ree_array[j]], [array])[0][0]
      print('Finished calculation  for row {}'.format(i),file=sys.stderr)

      series = pd.Series(sim_values)

      # Find the indices of the three most similar minerals
      most_similar_mineral_indices = series.nlargest(3).index

      # Get the names of the three most similar minerals
      most_similar_minerals = ree_df.loc[most_similar_mineral_indices, 'Minerals'].tolist()


  print('Cosine similarity for loop ended',file=sys.stderr)

  #Creating three columns and storing the results in the user_df
  user_df['Most similar'] = sim_1
  user_df['2nd most similar'] = sim_2
  user_df['3rd most similar'] = sim_3

  user_df = user_df.loc[:, (user_df != 0).any(axis=0)]

  #Inserting the label column removed earlier as the first column

  #Converting pandas dataframe to dictionary since pywebio only takes dictionary 
  user_dict = user_df.to_dict(orient='records')
  ree_df.set_index('Minerals', drop=True, inplace=True)

  put_text('Click any row to display mineral compositions of similar minerals from webmineral 
  database').style('color:blue; font-size: 20px')

  put_datatable(user_dict, onselect=lambda row_id: put_table([[span('Compositions of similar minerals from 
  webmineral database for point {}'.format(user_df.iloc[row_id,0]),col=3)], 
 [get_mineral(user_df,row_id,1),get_mineral(user_df,row_id,2), get_mineral(user_df,row_id,3)], 

  put_button('Download', onclick=lambda:user_df.to_csv("Result.csv", index=False))

app.add_url_rule('/', 'webio_view', webio_view(main),
        methods=['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS'])  # need GET,POST and OPTIONS methods

I am a new bie. This is my code with pywebio and flask as back end. I can run it locally but not in python anywhere. The first page. i.e. the file uploading page can be seen. When I upload a csv file, the webapp does not process the code, it get stuck at line 'Starting to calculate similarities' which is in a for loop. It does not run the next two lines in the for loop and the code never executed 'Finished calculation for row'. This can be seen in the server log and error log. Please help

pywebio will not work on PythonAnywhere.

But I can see pywebio installed in my virtual environment. Also my home page loads where I can upload my csv file. The issue is after I upload the csv file, the webapp stops executing the code.

I'm surprised it got that far. I suspect that the data that you're trying to process is not what you think it is. Check what data your code is working on at that point.