
Updating Django app: "git pull" not working, what am I missing?

Updating your Django app changes on Pythonanywhere Good day everyone, so Ive been struggling for this for a while now and can't seem to make it work.

I have my django app running 100% on pythonanywhere.

Now, I made some changes locally on my laptop, push it to github and uploads there OK.

I go to pythonanywhere bash and do:

git status

I get: " your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 5 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) "

git pull

I get: " error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: myproject/ myapp/migrations/ Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting "

I then proceed to do:

git commit -m "firsts commit today"

I get: it shows me the same as if I where to execute "git status".

If I do:

git fetch

I get: new line with nothing.

git merge

I get: the same as "git pull"

I can't seem to understand how to update my pythonanywhere django app and trying to pull the updated code from github.

The pull command works great locally....but in pythonanywhere bash I get those errors...Im trying to pull the code inside the virtual environment that my django app lives.

What is the proper procedure/steps you follow when you made changes to the Django app locally, pushed them no problem to Github and want to update the code on pythonanywhere using bash?

You need to commit the changes that you've made locally, and you need to add files to commit (with git add) before you do the git commit to commit them. Is there anything apart from the message about the branch when you run git status? It should tell you about any changed uncommitted files.