
aniso8601 module not found

aniso8601 was listed as one of modules included on Pythonanywhere, but I got an

ImportError at /
No module named aniso8601

when I ran my project that imports the module. I need the module to convert datetime object to ISO week date format. Will it be fixed?

Hi there, it imports OK for me in 2.7 and 3.5. What version of Python are you using?

Hi Harry, I have Python 2.7.9

Could there be a typo? Are you using a virtualenv?

Both versions of Python appear to be the same. From virtualenv console:

(myvenv)07:20 ~ $ python --version
Python 2.7.6

Console opened under the project folder:

01:19 ~/my-first-blog (master)$ python --version
Python 2.7.6

Do you think it might be a typo? Where could it possibly be?

If you're in a virtualenv, you don't have access to the system-wide installed modules (the batteries included). You have to install the things you want manually.

# activate your virtualenv first, and then:
pip install aniso8601

will probably do it.

Thank you Harry, it's working now

Excellent, thanks for confirming!