
DNS problems

I've just switched a site onto a domain I own and added the CNAME lines to the zone files. According to this site, the changes have propagated to all DNS servers. But when I try to access the site (either by the domain I own or by it just shows a page saying "Coming soon. This is going to be another great site hosted by PythonAnywhere...". A possible cause of this problem is that I initially misconfigured the CNAME lines (to be, but the correct CNAMEs have now propagated so I don't see why that could be an issue. If relevant, the URL is and I registered it with Gandi. The CNAME is .

Hi there -- it looks like the name of the web app isn't quite right. You've set up the DNS stuff correctly for "" but the website in PythonAnywhere is just called "" without the "www." at the start. If you click the pencil "edit" icon next to the domain name on the "Web" tab and add the "www." at the start, then you should be able to see the domain from when you go to "".

(The "" endpoint won't display your domain -- it's just an identifier for the load-balancer associated with your website.)

Great, that fixed it. Thanks.

Great! Glad to help.