
Weird Invalid Syntax Errors

Hello everyone,

i have been coding for a while and recently i have been exploring lists. One of the projects i'm doing is one that converts an input of: x_coordinate,y_coordinate;x_coordinate,y_coordinate/y_intercept into slope intercept form. Everything was going smoothly until i used the def function and i got an invalid syntax error:

def check_divs(): <----- this is the line with the syntax error
for value in range(2,9):
y_split = str(y_slope / value).split(".")
x_split = str(x_slope / value).split(".")
if y_split[1] and x_split[1] == "0":
y_slope and x_slope /= value

(note y_slope is the difference between the first and second set of coordinates, x_slope is the same but for the x coords)
now correct me if i am wrong, but the denoted line is not an invalid syntax. but wait, it gets weirder. i decided to temporally delete that function as i wanted to test the other parts of the code before getting into the rabbit hole of debugging. note: i had actually tested and run this portion of the code several times without an error and i had not edited it since the last time it ran smoothly. (bb refers to the y int and isn't overly important)

if coords_dec[1] == "0": <-----got the error here, coords_dec[1] is just the decimal when y_slope is divided by x_slope
print(f"y = {int(y_slope / x_slope)}x + {bb}")
if y_slope and x_slope < 0:
print(f"y = {y_slope * -1}/{x_slope * -1}x + {bb}")
print(f"y = {y_slope}/{x_slope}x + {bb}")

anyway, if someone could tell me what the heck is going on that would be great. thanks a metric TON in advanced, and have a great day!!!

If you do not see an error on the line where the syntax error is shown, you have an issue further up in the file (like an unclosed bracket or quotes)