
Can my CPU Counter be reset 1 time for testing?

I'm attempting to test what is going on with my application, as something has cropped up to utilize a large pool of resources but nothing has changed with the script/task in question. To do so, I need to be able to unit test my script and find out what it running for so long with a few added variables for time and error processing.. However, being in the tarpit, it's going to take way too long for my testing.

Is there any way this can be reset for my account? I've tried to replicate some unit testing on a free account, but, that is so limited and causing errors that don't exist in my paid/production account/app. Any help appreciated.

OK, I've just reset your tarpit -- but we'll not be able to do that on the regular basis. Maybe it would be easier to test on a local machine?

Appreciate it. I doubt I'll have to ask very often, if ever again.