
Max retries exceeded

I just signed up for a free account and was trying to execute my web app, meanwhile I got this error. I'm assuming the url that I'm trying to access is not whitelisted. So, can someone please whilst the url that I'm trying to access?


requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /casestatus/myc (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',))) 00:40 ~ $ Max retries exceeded with url: /casestatus/myc

Ah, you are currently a free user-- which means that you are only allowed access to these whitelisted sites:

In case you are wondering why it says "Max retries", requests library had it so when it fails, it can [optionally?] retry to obtain the failed resource. And since the filter keeps blocking your request, it gives up after a certain amount attempts.

From the look of your URL, I believe that the pythonanywhere staff would not whitelist this site as this is a US government resource... and they do not provide public APIs to work with.

EDIT: I looked at the whitelisted sites and there are some .gov urls. I might want to amend my last statement...

Hi EndenDragon,

Yes, there are some gov websites in the whitelist, so I assumed whitelisting the URL that I mentioned wouldn't be an issue. Please let me know if the URL can be whitelisted.

Thank you,

(cf whitelist thread)

can you please whitelist this

Send us a link to the API documentation for the site and we will consider it for the whitelist.

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/instagram-search.php?user=6e.wk (Caused by Pr oxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

i need use my api

my api upload in webhost

Send us a link to the API documentation for the site and we will consider it for the whitelist.

Woking on a developer tool for Recurly. Can you please whitelist this -

Please use the from from this help page to request the allowlist addition.

Please white list the api :

Please use the from from this help page to request the allowlist addition.