
Error code: 504-loadbalancer

Few hours ago our website was up and now it's down even though we haven't applied any changes.

One of our servers had a problem at around 6:30am UTC today -- just less than an hour before you posted this message. It took longer than normal for us to fix the problem -- it should have been back about ten minutes after you posted. Apologies for the outage, we're investigating the problem and why we weren't able to recover it as quickly as we should.

I am trying to load my website but it is showing me the 504-loadbalancer error. This started happening after I installed the SQLEDITABLE plugin and started testing it (I tried to add some records to my table using the SQLEDITABLE).

Is it possible that I am getting the 504 error due to SQLEDITABLE? If yes, what can I do to solve it? If no, is there any problem with your servers at this time?

Thanks in advance.

We're not aware of any server problems at the moment. The 504-loadbalancer error normally indicates a timeout -- that is, your web app took a really long time (several minutes) to respond to a request. Is that what you're seeing? That is, do you get the error after a wait? Or is it coming back immediately?