
selenium and venv

when I run this code on my venv the output is contain an error why?

Exception managing chrome: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: unsuccessful tunnel Page title was 'Google'

and when run that in out of venv the output is below: Page title was 'Google'

What do you have installed in your venv?

all packages that installed with pip list below attrs 23.1.0\ certifi 2023.7.22\ charset-normalizer 3.3.0\ exceptiongroup 1.1.3\ h11 0.14.0\ idna 3.4\ outcome 1.2.0\ pip 22.0.4\ PySocks 1.7.1\ requests 2.31.0\ selenium 4.13.0\ setuptools 58.1.0\ sniffio 1.3.0\ sortedcontainers 2.4.0\ trio 0.22.2\ trio-websocket 0.11.1\ urllib3 2.0.6\ wsproto 1.2.0\

when I downgrade the version of selenium and download selenium version that same to my ubuntu the problem solved. thanks for response.