
Can I speed up "starting" of always-on tasks?

When I make a change and refresh an always-on task it takes about 5-10 minutes to start again, wheras if if I just select the "run>>>" button it only takes a few seconds. Is there anything I can do to speed up booting up always on tasks?

(For context, I haven't hit my cpu limit and it works perfectly fine once its in "running" status.)

Always-on tasks do take a while to restart, though 5-10 minutes is quite slow -- I'd certainly expect less than 5 minutes. Are you restarting them using the button on the far right of the "actions" column?

Yep! I'm using the button with two arrows in a circle, the refresh button. Though I should note just pressing the pause then play button does take about the same time to boot up. I'll experiment tonight and see if different scripts take different amounts of time to boot up, maybe it has something to do with my script in particular. It's just bare-bones kik bot but maybe its having a heart attack importing stuff or something? Who knowssss.

Definitely strange, especially if it starts quickly for the "run" button. I'd love to know what you see from your experiments!