
Error code: 504-loadbalancer In all webpages

Hello Guys

I am getting the Error code: 504-loadbalancer error while loading the page. After reloading the page it starts working for sometime like 5 to 10 minutes then again slowness starts and after few minutes the same error is coming again.

Is there any issue going on.

Hi there, could your code have some kind of memory leak? is there any reason it would get slower and slower as it keeps responding to requests? Maybe some global variable?

Hello Harry

I have reviewed my code. I am not seeing any global variable. If there Is a memory leak is there a way to check what is causing the leak ?

More over all pages are returning 499 error code in access logs. There are no much load also in this web. I am just reloading the webapp and its working within few minutes itself the problem is reoccurring. It not even giving any chance for any new connection. Please help!!

Does Anybody know how to resolve this error. Now i am only getting the Error code: 502-backend. After reloading the webapp it working for just 5 minutes and then again same error.

I am having the same problem. Anyone knows something about this?

Edited: It is fixed

Same problem here guys. And it does seem to have been fixed now after I've done my next refresh

Hi there,

If you were seeing a 502, it was because we had a glitch on one of our servers and we rebooted some servers in response. Sorry about that! It should be all solved now- let us know if you hare still having any problems.

The issue intermediate. It seems issue is still there for me. I just reloaded my webapp and after 5-6 minutes the slowness started again. The pages are stuck for more than 15 minutes and eventually it throwing 504-loadbalancer error or 502-backend error.

499 means "client closed request" -- it usually means that your page took so long to load that the browser gave up, or the user hit refresh again half-way through the load.

Can I recommend adding a few debug print statement to your views, with timestamps, to try and find out which parts of your code are taking a long time?

The slowness is there for all the view not on single view. 499 are coming very rarely most of the request is Giving error 500, 504 and 502. i will try your suggestion to see if there is any problem in code.