
Something went wrong :-(

In case of unhandled exceptions, how do I get PAW to serve my custom error page instead of the generic PAW error page? I'm using django==1.7.1. My "templates" directory contains custom error pages, 404.html, etc. Normally, django should serve these if found.

The "Something went wrong" page isn't customisable, unfortunately. But it's only displayed when your app is misconfigured to the extent that Django can't even start up, which should almost never happen after you've got through the initial setup phase. Django's own 500.html files should be served up for normal application errors.

There was an error loading your PythonAnywhere-hosted site. There may be a bug in your code.

Error code: Unhandled Exception

Debugging tips The first place to look is at your web app page to ensure that there are no errors indicated there. Next, check your site's server and error logs for any messages — you can view them here: You can find helpful tips on the PythonAnywhere help site: There's an ImportError in the logs "403 Forbidden" error or "Connection Refused" error in logs Database connection errors There are many more helpful guides on our Help pages If you get completely stuck, then drop us a line at, in the forums, or using the "Send feedback" link on the site, with the relevant lines from your logs.

Este mensaje hace más de un mes ya me canse de intentar Algo salió mal :-( Algo salió mal al intentar cargar este sitio web; Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.

Si es su sitio, debe verificar sus registros para determinar cuál es el problema.

Check the logs of your web app for tracebacks that you can use to debug your web app.