
Web2py Site Crashed

EDIT: I resolved this issue!

I edited a file in web2py and I made a mistake so the site crashed. I know what the mistake was but I couldn't access the site admin to do back to correct it. So, I corrected it in the pythonanywhere folders which I almost never do.

I located the file and made the correction. I hit save but I also hit run this file which I think I shouldn't have done. Now, the console keeps trying to run the file. I guess, that's what the problem is. How do I stop this?

The site is completely crashed so I don't have access to the admin. The Ticket issued: unrecoverable.

What is my best option at this point.

glad you figured it out! Any debugging tips you want to share with other users?

The debugging was pretty simple. I deleted the app and I uploaded it again. :)

hello, a quick add-on to the above problem... most likely, if you have a free account, your account got full 99-100%, so, log in from, open a bash console, go to application's directory and check what has filled it up, (in my case it was lots of images I was uploading while testing the app), next ->go there and remove whatever filled it up, -> go the web tab and reload the application. it worked in my case atb, archie