
What is eating up all my space? And can the whole file repository been downloaded?


I don't know why but suddenly is my place full. I am only using to script and some add ones, but I can’t find any files bigger then 2. mb.

Is there a way to find the files which is taken up all the space? And is it possible to download the whole pages or folders?


Have you looked in /tmp? That's usually where large files hide.

You can download entire folders by zupping them up and then downloading the archive.

Okay. Can find any tmp folder with much space Can you tell how i zip all the files? I only see the interface from your homepage

The best thing is probably to start a bash console. From there, you can do two things:

  • Use the du command to find out what's using up all the space. du -sk * will tell you how much space each directory in the current working directory is using.
  • Use the zip command -- zip -r directoryname will zip up the directory directoryname into a zip file called

Thanks for the help. I found out that 95% of the space are in

And I am unale to upen the folder. It is loading for min. with out any luck.

I am unable to see what is in the folder or backup (zip) solution becuase they ain't any space left.

I think the Error folder contains rows/files like this:

52      errors/                                                                                      
52      errors/                                                                                      
52      errors/                                                                                      
52      errors/                                                                                      
52      errors/

OK, so perhaps you can delete them? If they're error logs, then presumably they're disposable...

The bash command would be:

rm /home/andersboje/web2py/applications/welcome/errors/*

That works. Thank you so much. Now I only use 79 mb insted for 512 mb :)

Excellent, thanks for confirming :-)

can we also remove anything in tmp without running into issues?

If for example you have a script running that is writing to /tmp and expects to read from it later, then no. For example, selenium likes writing to /tmp, so if you remove everything it will probably mess up your current selenium process. Otherwise sure.