
Closing a Jupyter notebook

If I run a Jupyter notebook locally (not using Python Anywhere), then under the file menu there is a "close and halt" option, but the only option I see for closing notebooks running in Python Anywhere is to brutally kill them from the Dashboard. Am I missing a more humane option?

We don't have a "gently close the notebook" option at the moment, but it is something we're considering adding.

I think it would be good to add. For teaching students it is easier to tell them to close the notebook than to explain kill processes. Then are likely to simply close the windows and leave a a half dozen orphaned notebook to suck CPU cycles out of their daily allotment.

Thanks for letting us know -- I've added an upvote to that ticket.

Agreed this needs adding as they can stack up pretty quick in the background.

Are we supposed to be able to see currently running notebooks from the consoles Dashboard? My CPU usage has spiked recently and I'm just trying to figure out the source (it seems like I have an NB idling though I can't figure out how to shut it down?)

As far as I can tell you won't see them from the Dashboard except in the list of processes running, and each notebook spawns multiple processes you need to terminate.

Ahhh. I'll give it a go thanks.