
facebook login

Hello fellow python enthusiasts! I'm been learning python after quite a few years using Ada and feel comfortable with it now. I now want to have a go at a web framework. The main thing I want to do at the moment is to use facebook authorisation for logins! IS there a pythonanywhere tutorial for this? I'm pretty sure I want to use flask or django but do think django could be more confusing at my level of development for python! Anyone know one?

I would think your best bet would be to get comfortable with a web framework first and then try to add other things like external services. Once you have a basic understanding of how to write a web app on PythonAnywhere, you probably won't need a specific PythonAnywhere tutorial for the facebook login bit. Bringing external services into a project where you're learning will make things unnecessarily complicated and probably not help with the learning process.

I'm looking at web2py, I'm thinking it would operate better with a service such as pythonanywhere

web2py is great, but you may also want to consider the others: Django (mainly for it's popularity which means there's usually an app that will do what you want) or Flask (where you'll probably learn the most about the request/response http cycle)