
not able to create stored procedure via pythonanywhere mysql console

it gives me error, that I need at least one of super user privileges ...

Read up on privileges here

and make sure that the user account you are using has the appropriate privileges

since I am using pythonanywhere, shouldn't I already have those privileges?

I tried to grant privileges but access denied which makes sense. I believe my user should be granted access from pythonanywhere admins...?

Are you using the mysql shell provided by PA or an external tool?

Silly question - you stated that already in your caption....

Just did this on a DB I just created (this is my first day here at PA - so new to the ropes):

mysql> delimiter //

mysql> create procedure simple (OUT param1 int)


select count(*) into param1 from test;


Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delimiter ;

mysql> call simple(@a);

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)


Using the PA mysql shell - works just fine....

Thanks for the suggestions, @tua! @susarla, could you try the same commands as @tua did, and see if they work? If they do, but the commands you originally entered don't work, then it's probably worth looking at how they differ, as that might point to the problem.