
corrupted size vs. prev_size

hello everyone! I use aiogram for my bot and pillow for welcome message So, after ~2 hours of work bot send this message:

corrupted size vs. prev_size

And bot stop work What's the problem? There are no any messages or errors despite this.

If there is no other information in the traceback, then you may need to search for that error message related to the modules that you're using to see what might be causing it. Also, if there's no line number information in the traceback, add some logging to your code so you can see which line is raising the error.

I use Pillow to draw text. At any time it prints an error and that's the end of the script. I don't know what's wrong. I didn't find a specific solution on the git hub.

From this issue, it appears that you may need to install pillow with the --global-option="build_ext" flag. See the issue for the full install command.