
One app,

Hi there, I have two different looking websites created as one app (websites share some code, but basically there are two different sets of templates, CSS, js in one project). Now I've got a domain name and paid account here to host this webapp (paid for only for one webapp). I want to point a domain name to the home page of one website (done this already) and point a subdomain to a certain page of the webapp (which is a home page for the second website). Is it possible at all? Thanks

If I understand correctly you want to have, say, pointing to one web app on PythonAnywhere, and pointing to the other? That is possible, you'd need an account with two web apps enabled though. Then you need to set up the DNS for each of them, see here.

Thank you for your reply! Well, technically it is all ONE webapp, I just wanted to point my domain and subdomain to two different html-pages (smth like home.html for and another_home.html for, both pages in the same app).
If I upgrade my account and get one more app it would mean I'd have two identical apps, with two different entry pages, which seems a little bit excessive ))) but it may be the only solution here(

What you describe will need to be 2 web apps.