
My account evaporated?

When I tried to access my blog,, it was saying "This is going to be another great website..." and gave me an unexpected surprise. I also had another web app running, and it is gone too. I am wondering what happened to my account. I know it is not so much of a 'great' blog, and maybe pythonanywhere reserves the right to confiscate the account name and space, but I think it would have been more reasonable to give me a warning or even a notification.

Could anyone among the staffs have a look into my account and let me know what happened to

Thank you,

The "brain" account is still there and working fine. What's happened is that your web app expired -- and you can reactivate it just by logging in as brain, going to the "Web" tab, and clicking the "Run until 3 months from today" button. It's still free, of course!

The same is probably true of your other account, though I can't be 100% sure without knowing the username.

We expire web apps to make sure that we're not running sites that people don't actually want. A lot of people create throwaway web apps on PythonAnywhere just to try out a web framework and then abandon them. Because they get indexed by Google and the like, they keep running forever -- which costs quite a lot of money to support.

So we ask people with free accounts to make sure they log in at least once every three months and click that button on the "Web" tab so that we can be sure that they still want their web sites. This means that we can continue hosting the sites that people want.

Regarding why you weren't notified -- we emailed everyone about this about four months ago, and we also send out alerts to people a week before their web apps expire.

However, it looks like you don't have a confirmed email address associated with the "brain" account, so you won't have been sent either of those. If you log in and confirm the email address, then you'll get alerts in the future.