
No module named 'webdriver_manager'

Hello Team,

I am setting up a scheduled automation task using Selenium. Unfortunately its stopped at the first execution with the following error messagee:

No module named 'webdriver_manager'

Is it possible to command the console to activate chosen venv where I have installed everything needed, or do I need to contact you everytime I needed a package to be installed for running a job?

My recent command is as follows, given my understanding that it should be able to activate my venv and process the job from there:

"workon ytautomation | python /home/NazaLearn/ytautomation/ | deactivate"

thank you for your help.


Hi team,

I'm trying to use Selenuim to look up values in Chrome and I faced the same error (No module named 'webdriver_manager'). Importing the package as follows:

from selenium import webdriver

from import ChromeDriverManager

I am also using the headless Chrome option (see below) and read on your forum that this may be causing the issue as well.

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()


Could you please help me figure out if the reason I'm getting this error is because of headless Selenium or something else related to using a browser search?

Thank you!

See our help page on using selenium on PythonAnywhere here:

Also, you do not need to use webdriver manager. That is all already set up correctly.

Hello This setup doesn't really work anymore. Kindly update this!!

I can confirm that the base case in the help page works