
Payment with a card fails due to lack of a payment method


I'm trying to pay for a custom account for the first time, but it's not working. Console shows that there is an error returned by Stripe:

 "code": "payment_intent_incompatible_payment_method",
    "doc_url": "",
    "message": "A payment method of type card was expected to be present, but this PaymentIntent does not have a payment method and none was provided. Try again providing either the payment_method or payment_method_data parameters.",
    "payment_intent": {
      "id": "pi_3LIFfo2kTaSknvlP0BjvwABc",
      "object": "payment_intent",
      "amount": 1200,
      "amount_details": {
        "tip": {
      "automatic_payment_methods": null,
      "canceled_at": null,
      "cancellation_reason": null,
      "capture_method": "automatic",

As far as I know Stripe, just a field with something like "debit_card" must be added into a request the PaymentIntent.

That sounds like you're maybe using an old session to try to retry payments. Return to the Account page and start the payment process from the beginning.

Still the same. It fails on the page with label "Setting up your subscription..." or something like that. Didn't manage to copy the text, it's flashing and then showing "Payment failed".

Do you have any plugins in your browser? Could you try different browser?

Tried on pure Microsoft Edge - the same

Ah! I see the problem. Your card has been declined too many times in the last 24 hours, so it is effectively blocked. You will need to use a different card because it is likely that that card will just keep being declined.