
Error 502

2022-07-20 20:24:56 DAMN ! worker 2 (pid: 64) died, killed by signal 6 :( trying respawn ... 2022-07-20 20:24:56 Respawned uWSGI worker 2 (new pid: 69) 2022-07-20 20:24:56 spawned 2 offload threads for uWSGI worker 2 2022-07-20 20:25:06 munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer

Hello, this error appears in the server log and the page appears error 502, what could be the cause?

That is an error caused by memory allocation issues in a C module that you're using. Check your access log at the time of the error to see which view is raising that error. From that, you should be able to determine which modules are being used and perhaps form a theory about which module is causing the error. If the view takes parameters, perhaps you can log the parameters so you can use that information to repeat the issue reliably. Once you can do that, you can experiment with code changes to narrow down the cause and perhaps work out how you can avoid it.

Thanks for the reply, I found the module that was causing the error.

Glad to hear that!