
If the servers are down when a critical scheduled task is supposed to run, what are the options?

I have a project idea that would require a specific script/Python program to be run at least once per week. The entire project hinges on this script running successfully at the given time.

If PythonAnywhere servers are down when the script is supposed to run, what are my options? I could run backup scheduled tasks to verify that the script actually ran. A little late is better than never. An always-on task sounds to verify the process would probably be overkill and would eat more CPU seconds than I'd like, but it is an option.

Does anyone have any better ideas? I suppose this is a design question more than anything, but I'm looking for input.

Also, how long do the servers go down when they tend to go down at all?

Thanks in advance for any info/advice....

There are two possibilities -- our servers may be down for some time due to necessary maintenance actions, but it's rare and we inform our users in advance, so you could prepare for that kind of outage. If however there's an unplanned outage (for example due to underlying hardware degradation), we can't predict it, and we can't tell how long it could take (although we always try to do our best to make such unexpected issues as short as possible). You may create different alerting systems, for example send an email when task starts and finishes, then, if you don't get expected email, it means something went wrong, etc.