
Tensorflow on pythonanywhere

What is the way to install tensorflow and keras from the jupyter notebook from pythonanywhere?

They should both work out of the box -- they're pre-installed on our system. You should use Python 3.7, though, rather than 3.8 -- a lot of people have been reporting to us that TensorFlow isn't compatible with 3.8.

Excellent, thank very much! Its works with python 3.7.

Excellent, thanks for confirming!

Hi, a complete noob here but how is Tensorflow "pre-installed" ?

I opened up a bash console, created a new venv - tried to run pip show tensorflow but get "WARNING: Package(s) not found: tensorflow". What am I missing ?

I am trying to build a flask web app using Tensorflow 2.1.0 (the one where keras is baked in to TF). I am not doing the training but just using already trained models to serve up predictions.

If you create a virtualenv, then the system-installed packages are not included in the virtualenv unless you specify that they should be with the --system-site-packages See our warning about Tensorflow in web apps: and what you can do about it:

tensorflow is not working on python3.7, Any solution

What errors do you get?


Your answer was posted over 2 years ago. Is it still the case that Tensorflow will not work with web apps using Django? Please update.

Thank you

Yes, that still holds.