
MySQL Error 1146 Table Doesn't Exist Error with Flask App

Hello! My Flask app is rendering fine, but it doesn't seem like the database is working. I'm getting this error from the log:

2015-08-14 06:50:26:  (1146, "Table 'potts$Potts.User' doesn't exist")

On the MySQL console, I have verified that the table and database indeed exist, but I'm not sure why my Flask App is complaining. Any idea would be appreciated! Thank you :)

Make sure that the database and table names that you're trying to access are exactly the same. The casing in your error message looks interesting, perhaps you have an issue with the case of the database or table name.

Thanks Glenn. I just realized that MySQL is not always case insensitive. FYI for everyone: table and database names are case SENSITIVE, while the keywords and string comparisons are not.

Yeah. SQL, in general, is pretty weird when it comes to case.

I have checked the cases for my database and table but still i am getting the same error.

Show your working: What did you try to do and what was the error?