
Infinite flask loop

I just broke my app and made an infinite error loop, I want fully to restart my app, Ideleted web app, files and even restarted it couple of times, but it continue working on same dead task and is still stuck in error loop. What can I do?

I see your web app is disabled -- do you experience that behavior event if you re-enable the web app?

Yes, it's not for the first time i'm doing it, is there a way to start from scratch the web app?

You can delete the web app and start a new one.

I tried, the files are restored and on starting app it again takes same dead task, maybe the problem is in telegram api made by pyTelegramBotAPI, but the is set on a webhook and I don't understand why the server catch same dead request

Also on creating a new app I want to keep same standart url because it already have ssl certificates and for this app the url link is not important, not shown to users

I'm not sure what do you mean by "same dead task". Maybe try to create a new web app under a new path and add some logging so you could establish which part of your web app is causing the infinite loop.