
Login required after leaving tab

Hello all. Everytime I leave the browser, go to another tab in the web browser, or a date picker dialog appears, I have to log back in again. On the page where the date picker dialog appears, once I select a date I have to log back in again and thus cannot submit that page to the database.

Is this a setting in PythonAnywhere? It is not happening on my local system.

just to clarify- are you talking about using the pythonanywhere interface, or is this a webapp that you made yourself?

If you are talking about just the pythonanywhere interface, then that should not be happening- check if you are clearing cookies or something at your browser level?

Hello Conrad. So this is a web app built on the web2py framework and deployed on PythonAnywhere. When I run the web app on my desktop using chrome or ie it works fine. When accessing on PythonAnywhere I have to log in all the time as mentioned above.

is this date picker thing something that comes with web2py? or did you use a third party module? or did you write this code yourself?

Sorry for getting back to you so late. This is looking more and more like a browser issue. With IE 11 and Chrome, every time I leave the browser and come back I have to log in. I was using Microsoft Edge on my Windows 10 machine on Sunday and no matter what I did I was able to always stay logged in until I logged myself out.

Any ideas? It is getting very frustrating.

I can't think of anything, but perhaps someone on the web2py Google group might have an idea?

All, so this turned out to be something so simple I am embarrassed to post it. My browsers where not allowing cookies to be maintained.