
Any plans for using letsencrypt?

Would it not be awesome if we had free SSL automatically?

Will you guys add that in the near future? I, at least, would love that option!

We have been thinking about what to do with LetsEncrypt and we have some cool ideas, but we'll have to see how it behaves and play around with it a bit before we can make any concrete plans.

That renewing every 90 days thing puts me off, but I'm sure you'll see things I can't!

any update on the possible use of letsencrypt?

From their docs, seems like they don't have an nginx plugin yet. the standalone options isn't really going to work, so that leaves the manual option.

The docker option also sounds plausible, but again, it seems to require binding to ports 80 and 443.

Admin edit: Moved to the PythonAnywhere help site

That is great news Harry! I am really looking forward to the whole process gets automated. It is absolutely doable now, and you really did a great job on documenting that! Personally I will wait for the full automatic experience, but I could end up testing it out if I suddenly had a new project.

Thanks for the great work Harry and I am looking forward to more news regarding this!
