
Using rdflib with persistent storage on PythonAnywhere

Hello all, If you look at the rdflib package, one feature is the ability to create a triple store database. This is a Semantic Web style graph database. It seems to use Berkley DB. Actually, it seems to use sleepycat and/or some various relational databases. So, I wonder if that will be a problem running this on pythonanywhere. I know one can install packages with pip. I don't know if some of the stores come with rdflib or if they are required to be installed separately.
I guess for what I want to do, I could always use a relational database such as postgres to store/persist the data. It almost seems to defeat the purpose of using a Triple Store if it is going to be implemented in a relational db.
Thanks in advance for any feedback, Bruce

Give it a go and let us know the results. We'll see if there's anything we need to do to make it work.