
Adding Custom Web domain name to my Existing web app

Hello, I want to First appreciate the service provided by Since long time I have been using a web app developed on this platform. Now I have Upgraded from free account to Hackers account. In Hackers account I can create only one web app (and it is sufficient for me). But this restriction creates a problem to shifting from my existing domian ( ) to domain name i have purchased from Please help me in this regard.

Check out the "If you don't have a spare web app" section of this help page.

hello giles I am checking :)

Thanks giles now is up and working now

Excellent, thanks for confirming!

hi, My old webapp shows coming soon message. How to redirect to Also when i do Debug=False my slug does't work. why it is so? I hope i can get solution to both of my problem. Thanks in advance.

we currently count that as two different domains, so you won't be able to get to redirect to with just a single webapp in your plan.

What do you mean your slug doesn't work?

it gives forbidden message for every slug


What is this


Is it the case i have to write


I have written This DEBUG = False ALLOWED_HOSTS=['',''] But not working Giving me forbidden message

You are going to have to describe the problem in more detail for us to understand and help you.

I see that your website is loading fine- is there a particular part that is erroring?

Also- did you remember to reload after making those changes?

Dear concard, if i make Debug as false then i get forbidden message. to solve this i hv written A_H as shown in above post. But still i was getting forbidden message. so to get rid of thi forbidden msg i make Debug as true.( and hence my site is running properly) Now i want the solution how to make debug as false and not to get forbidden message

you probably need something like this:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["", ""]

the "quotes" are important, as is the removal of the http://

I have done above settings in but getting Bad Request (400)

Then it's likely that the ALLOWED_HOSTS that you're setting isn't the one being used by your webapp. Check what the value of ALLOWED_HOSTS is when you're actually running your webapp.