
Flask - production vs development on PA


Can anyone give me some answers on whether PA hosted Flask application would be considered 'production'.

I ask because I was planning to use my PA account to host my personal website, which I'll be building with Flask. It will not be a big or high traffic site, just a little blog basically. Initally it won't even use a database, although I plan to use one as my skills improve.

Do Flask installs on PA use Flask's built in webserver? or is there something else going on behind the scenes.

When people take about using Flask for production they seem to always say not to use Flask's built in server - presumably because it isn't very good at handling production levels of traffic, or perhaps it for other reasons? Security??

I heard a podcast with someone from PA talking about how they are quite flexible if sites get loads of traffic - i.e. they won't just kill your site without talking to you first. I presuem this means people are using PA for production, is there anythign required for production that's different to just setting up a Flask install with PAs default versions of Flask?

Anyway, any info on this would be greatly appreciated!


Yes, PythonAnywhere-hosted Flask applications are definitely "production" in that sense. We use a combination of nginx and uWSGI to host your app, not the built-in server -- that applies to every app you set up, you don't need to do anything special.

(Of course, there are limits -- we host at least one site with millions of hits per day, but it's a really efficiently-written one :-)