
Did the account options change?

Hi -- I've been a paying user for some time now, at the $12/month level. I noticed that the CPU seconds for that level is now 4,000 but I think I have 20,000. Did the account options change? I doubt I need all that CPU time -- is there any upside to changing my plan?

We have changed the plans around, but we keep the same values for existing accounts since that is what you agreed to.

Whether there is an upside to changing is a question only you can answer based on your requirements and budget.

Makes sense, thanks.

Hi guys,

I'm in the same boat as the original poster, except that it seems like I didn't get billed for January as usual. Has service to the old account plans been ceased? I've had a legacy app running without trouble for a long time that appears now not to be working correctly and I'm trying to rule out possible account-related sources to the problem. Obviously not having been billed for Jan is a red flag.


Check down on the menu list and then download the QR app in your PC and pain-prompt your passcode

what does it mean...

Hi Geoff, we certainly have a record of billing you in January -- drop us an email and we'll get to the bottom of that if you like. But we haven't changed anything on the account that would explain an app that doesn't work, I don't think...

Apologies for this - I see the Paypal payment actually processed in the end; I just didn't get the usual email about it. As for the non-functionality, it was a case of a little piece of code that should never actually have been working that for some reason was over the past year. An easy fix.

Many thanks!

Hi Geoff -- we definitely did send you a billing reminder, at 23:06 on 1 Jan 2016. Maybe it got spam-filtered? It goes to a different email address to the one you might use for logging in, though.